Novel Ringtones

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眠る時も 離せずにずっと想う君の事 想うといつでも踊り出す この心 きっと明日も 夜空に見透かされたよう 眠れそうにない今夜も どの瞬間からなのか 僕には始まりが分かりません そう僕は 小説の恋のよう 君へと旅立って 小説の主人公のよう 彷徨って 真っ白な紙に想い描く 真っ白な紙が君で色付く 広がる 真っ青に君は 満たされるめくるページで 星が君に輝きますように 風がこの想い届けますように 夜空に見透かされたよう 眠れそうにない今夜も どの瞬間からなのか 僕には始まりが分かりません そう僕は 小説の恋のよう 君へと旅立って 小説の主人公のよう 彷徨って 真っ白な紙に想い描く 真っ白な紙が君で色付く 「あなたに会いたいです」 この気持ち 秘密にするにはもっと知りたくて 想い続ける 想い続ける Baby, tell me where you are どうしてでしょう 誰かを 好きになるほど胸が痛みます いつか出会った時 すぐに分かるように 必ず I run for you 真っ白な紙に想い描く 真っ白な紙が君で色付く
腐り切っている 正味 味も知らぬままに 熟れたものから順に 狙う鳶 まるでゾンビ 華奢な鳥かごにも 慣れてしまったみたいで Yes, man しか見当たらねぇ 忖度まみれの宴会芸に 見て見ぬふりをする業界人 凝り固まったシーンの ペースを乱していこうぜ (oh yeah) Just go. go, go 居心地が良さそうだね あぐらかいていて そこで 丸ごと塗り替えるGame 絡み付くカルマごと 見掛け倒しの王様達は皆 抜かれている牙 生まれ育ちや肩書きだけじゃ勝てない All in, let's make a bet 俺には必要ないね 実力以上のpush ちやほやされるのは嫌いじゃないが趣味じゃないぜ 100円玉を1億に魅せるアイデアこそが最大の資本 100:0で不利な逆転劇に 不敵な笑み浮かべ 全額Bet 勝ち戦ばかり貪る奴を置いて (oh yeah) Just go, go, go 影を踏まれたとこで 汚せない才能やセンス 底から突き破るGate 運命ごと捻じ曲げて 見掛け倒しの王様達は皆 抜かれている牙 生まれ育ちや肩書きだけじゃ勝てない All in, let's make a bet So sorry but その通りさ 目障りなエラーがMe I am the TROUBLE So sorry but その通りさ 目障りなエラーがMe I am the TROUBLE
雷鳴響天 福壽賀老神仙 天上地下任我一派胡言 神壇燈油盡看我老而彌堅 從前的姑娘啊 似水流年 Everyday clean my 髒辮 Vodka my medicine 老神仙最緊要癲 Mother fuck 同我靠邊 My bitch's gonna be prideful 壽包裹邊加多D酵素 打踭子征服完灣道 升級做軍曹搵到錢交數 時晨到算著二指你時日無多 I'm so lit Cantonese drop左外語文科 如我行俠杖義 世上便無魔 若我要成魔 眾神耐我如何 如虎哮龍嘯回谷睇我號令江山 千古一絕莫怪我氣態太過傲慢 青天周 旋大雁 路上又過一灣 一直前行 頓悟歷劫苦難 稱霸天下滋味 勒緊褲頭等我擔起支旗 今晚chill住征服軍事基地 單手將你收皮 七舊腹肌 衝天一飛 乜都撈生得高不做咕哩 我佛慈悲 我佛慈悲 人在做天在看管好自己 襯住黑月既明媚 天落下神猕 落地滿十分 思想撲朔迷離 神秘引眾人 叫我睇醫生 時代裝瘋癲 每重演帶著私心 天多高海多深 你何處覓知音 凡人修仙相思守情人千天 心亂如麻讓情欲棄之綿綿 行善終獲微潤一言難盡 仍逆天向前 此世尋覓烏托塵世歡樂 仍為數臭錢 阿叔我千秋萬代可謂百家輝煌 施主細個玩得多縮細左個膀胱 洋鬼子翻老家 都播住啊叔呢隻歌 字幕拎北沒有見過比我更凶的尼哥 雷鳴響天 福壽賀老神仙 天上地下任我一派胡言 神壇燈油盡看我老而彌堅 從前的姑娘啊 似水流年
咁或者係你太固執 閃卡你擺係筆盒 但冇帶過筆 最Friend嗰幾個 一係翕你一係俾你翕 精力充沛喺公園 瞓覺就喺課室 由陽光穿梭到 I-One 沉醉於升緊積分嘅快感 並冇追溯到佢哋因乜事離婚 就算冇佢哋咁Lucky 留低堆抹不走嘅粉筆字 咁一直都浪子 落雨又點會擔遮 汗水滴落在送外賣嘅嗰部單車 你講玩咩 邊記得嗰陣猜緊乜嘢枚 係冇返屋企冇返學但冇跟黑社會 佢講親嘅一定啱 姿態繼續高企 冇怨過自信 屋企比唔到你 令你開心哪怕係嗰兩個幾嘅新地 因乜事冇晒心機 因乜事口是心非 Did They Ever Feel Sorry For Me? I Close My Eyes. Their Words Are What I see Did They Ever Feel Sorry For Me? But Nothing Really Matters To Me Soup一聲 眨吓眼又過一年 似揸緊F1 並冇人坐側邊 係獨自去體驗 繼續以淚洗面 由幾時開始我地慣左收埋軟弱嗰一面 咪繼續死撐 傷口並唔起眼 無論佢口中講嘢再難聽呢刻你都慣 你冇再問佢點諗 反正都係話你天真 匠心獨具打造 自己滿足嘅展品就夠 唔奢望每個茶餘飯後 你會為我加個Like 係只想似飛鷹咁穿過山丘 由東邊跨過西 拍翼拍到趴咗低 仆得幾金都企得翻起身 爭乜爭物又爭被冚 而秒針起錶面剔噠 時間唔等人 所以諗到即刻做哪怕係一味齋衝 係金就曉發光 唔需要刻意賣弄 Did They Ever Feel Sorry For Me? I Close My Eyes. Their Words Are What I see Did They Ever Feel Sorry For Me? But Nothing Really Matters To Me Did They Ever Feel Sorry For Me? I Close My Eyes. Their Words Are What I see Did They Ever Feel Sorry For Me? But Nothing Really Matters To Me We Love. We Hate. We Fade
要諗要儲要比 生活費 我眼淚兩行 Fuck 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩獲 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排跌打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 多麻甩佬追 平均五六十歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖 真係識嘆呀老同 純生青島美沙酮 二胡吹簫係 通公 廚房佬三行 粗工 五六千劏房 兩三千太空艙 中秋節煲蠟係月餅罐蓮蓉雙黃 投注站一地六合彩飛 阿叔痞一日腳唔會痹 捉緊象棋 講當年幾風光 澳門係傷心地一鋪輸清光 肥豬王 債主債仔 難捨難分 四眼砌機 高登黃金 買舊電器要平 鴨記 二奶雙程撚手 幾味 娶個問題新抱嘈一個 揸煲蓋一個揸刀 晏晝落場焗住鋪塊 紙皮港產片再翻煲 講幾次唔明就算 你知佢份人係串 勞工處派人嚟勸 算啦算啦 同一條村 住喺深水埗 跳樓邊算大鑊 啲火鍋鋪 啲料切紙咁薄 都唔係出嚟撈 蛇王縮骨卸膊 上家牌章好 供我上大學 深水埗讀大學 過關三串七有內幕 攞條命去博
I'm in the novel 주인공의 Friend 다시 너의 차가움에 빠져 허우적대 No I'm not okay 의미 없는 집착들에 지쳐가는데 Baby I'll die 이 소설 안에서 난 Baby tell me the truth Do you really mean it Say it again I think you're lying Oh my gosh, you confuse me like hell Don't fake your mind You don't have to lie You know I want you, I only want you Can you see me crying I can't save myself 이제 뭐든 상관없듯 빠져가는데 Even if I die We are meant to be 모든 게 내 착각이 만들어낸 얘기일 뿐이야 You are my gravity Cause you're my gravity You are my gravity 춤을 추듯 스친 손끝에 다 채워진, you shine like a moonlight Baby what should I do Why do I have these things in my head We are denying All our feelings but we're here again Don't fake your mind You don't have to lie You know I want you, I only want you Can you see me crying I can't save myself 이제 뭐든 상관없듯 빠져가는데 Even if I die We are meant to be 모든 게 내 착각이 만들어낸 얘기일 뿐이야 You are my gravity Cause you're my gravity You are my gravity 춤을 추듯 스친 손끝에 다 채워진, you shine like a moonlight 이유 없이 멀어져 가 바보 같은 전개일 뿐이야 When the story ends Let the truth remain You are my gravity Cause you're my gravity You are my gravity 춤을 추듯 스친 손끝에 다 채워진, you shine like a moonlight
I remember what you say ya Every word make me crazy I make a song for you baby 如有日聽我在哼起這 我心裏最傷悲嘅 是你心死痛切心扉嫁妝散落一地 杜鵑喺天邊飛過 為情所困總會有幾個 漣漪泛起思憶 傲氣變得孤僻 同一首歌不停咁點播 似個醉漢不太清醒 鬧市中總有你身影 向西行幾多個城 都搵唔到 邊個 似你 一貫任性 呢個世界 一剎那被暫停 時光倒退等不見月明 要跟你去創造 由年輕到蒼老 由盤絲到花果 漫步世途 癡心未獲尊敬 狠心換百世留名 意中人被判負心的罪名 空得七十二通本領 I'm naughty I'm naughty Not what you expected 但連眼淚也不可去感動眾神 回憶在我心裏蔓延 抹不散 沒變更 對着我這個流氓 還愛到奮不顧身 I'm feel so messy 那個亦 別過問 已散席再觸摸 不到你 留下體溫 They wanna make you free But I want you stay with me 一萬年 的故事 踏七色彩光的勇士 I'm be your favor Novel chigga on the world 在哪兒締結 在哪兒破裂 如那些花兒 奏出歌兒 Make some dope 從某月季節 I hope you heard it 如那些歌詞看出心事 Then you know it And you smoke one 我金剛不壞 怎去共你化蝶或作情人 向來說一不二 傳百紙千字 Magical monkey 永生不滅 金睛火熱 看不出愛結局一頁 畫面被沉默地帶過 靈魂被賣過 消失在九霄外 底片被界刂破 只能夠怪 我福氣或大禍 幽默被記住 但情感被快播 之後點樣拼湊 點摸都摸唔透 不由自主 嘅去或留 湖面上嘅枯葉擱淺 喺秋天到來前 蝴蝶在山谷流連 我抱著懺悔入眠 為已逝的愛作悼念 藕斷了 絲卻在連 當日情話綿綿 要到某天回頭發現 一半苦澀 一半甜 如當天一念下你寶劍贈我刃沒離偏 今天怎捨你别去迫你每夜腦內湧現 得心中一席話你不斷幻化似夢如煙 翻筋斗千里就盼跟你再度邂逅一面 金箍戴上回來 劇終壓上刑台 But I want forget some So rolling all in that joint I get some follow 困過火爐 過火惹上天觸怒 假裝糊塗上天竺路 告別了五岳歹徒
一種靠量多 一種靠好運 慢工出細貨要你久等 我來勢磅礡 似沸熱水滾 好快會清楚邊個試水溫 邊個全身浸 週末瞓錄音房 心事同支mic講 故事主角擔當 三分花巧七分端莊 享受沿路跌蕩 機不可失得冤枉 一覽眾山小 成功路血汗鋪 解開你腦海裏猜疑 以往行每步路 好過書本裏面齋字 若十樣濫做 千律一篇 輸我一個情感表達 用音樂抒發 或留下空格 填浪漫對白 睇 楓葉空中飛飄 聽 風係耳邊蕭蕭 但一醒 生活與你對照 晝夜一樣一式 接受當初不想接受的 成也庸庸碌碌 敗絮財氣酒色 外向重面子內向重感受 試過逃之夭夭以笑遮醜 準備幾張面具人前人後 思緒 在燃燒無人解救 反正沒送命就當是皮外傷口 拼現在換(美奐 老伴)安逸然後 開局揸住一手dee定階磚三 思想早就變做 你現實邊框 每次出現都會升級當我視野變廣闊 給聽眾預留最好的當然也有你包括 我厭倦失去的痛悲 做失敗者站立原地 向質疑我的說不 復來一刻立狀元之地 仲夏時積穀成寒流時儲備 心裏熱赤足闊步行雪地 這落差怎麼比 我挖金塊你鑄鐵器 迷底 總要揭秘 要投資嘅點止錢 (固若金湯鋼鐵信念) 實力不配位怎麼演 (實力不配位是要我怎麼演) 耳聽八方眼看四面 人生電影我是黑底片 你要變魔術可以等我cut牌先 所謂好貨不是飽肚夾大件 成功 失敗一念 那個真實那個騙 秋去冬寒迎春天 每個承諾會兌現 背後放箭煩精準點 逐巴掌扇硬我臉 反正本來命就賤 拳頭起繭是靠歷練
如果你有hater係你用實力惹嘅禍 我企喺高位等你等你一齊向前望 我想每日有粵語歌係蘭桂坊到播 Boom bap trap 情歌 百花齊放 睇到好抑壓 搵渠道抒發 冇時間逐個去擊殺 你相我未點到但通緝令即畫 定期清理垃圾喺rapper嘅職責 你講到咁hip hop不如學數節拍 接納 原來灰有50度但你淨喺睇到黑白 喺要搵位入 講經 講佛 講到個個怕羞怕柒 邊班喺局內人邊班柒撚懵懵盡在不言中 當負能量成風再妄想香港hip hop會突然成功 天賦得物無所用皆因八面樹敵 要等班撚樣老咗先發覺自己喺時代阻力 原諒班老細接受能力非一般 2021繼續爭論autotune 你口中嗰班垃圾喺未雕琢嘅玉器 換個講法喺人哋做自己得罪你 聽日會好天講咗廿年天公仍然不做美 選擇報憂不報喜shout out to所有mc 有被討厭嘅勇氣 你想要韻腳我咪寫比你聽聽 唔撚洗gang gang 用歌詞令到你驚驚 隨便噠個手指黎幫你end game 煩撚夠未一套準則勒着幾百萬條頸 醒醒 習撚慣自欺 你潛意識自卑 所以咪zip位抬高翻自己 taste吊尾 聽歌但變咗游辭海服撚哂你班撚樣嘅口味 呢首歌煮比你for填鴨韻腳 請highlight片皮 聽講話天外有天咁我喺天上僭建 賤人千篇一律嘅片面之言對挑骨要堅持 懶係追求完美 根本拉住所有人踏步原地 幫你寫個傳記 好未 想有人睇得起 請你學識謙卑 最撚中意睇人死 作個網名走出嚟算係老幾 唔止有暴君同宦官 仲有一大班自私 批判嘅刁民將呢度變成戰地 唔闖禍點叫青春你想我向你徵詢乜鳩 同你口頭競選有乜意義 鍵盤孕育細佬加契字 冇見你交作品 稍為做實事 一堆口犬組合擬聲字 表達到你想表達再同我講 快嘴多押韻就靚flow 講flow 我flow你老 綜藝節目睇上腦 老撚土 我啲嘢你未夠班get到 繼續喺到數 三押四押 九唔撚搭八 我對眼 反白 反拍 一坦白就反殺你 咪阻住個圈子發芽 要圍爐就自己搵返個partner 集體好清高咁奚落一個人 佢哋嘅興趣喺日以繼夜令受害者難堪 咁嘅風氣推到極致世界上都好難搵 冇跟你想法活着喺我榮幸 唔喺你鍾意打乒乓踢波嘅就喺老襯 喺你冇用心睇真嗰啲rapper打緊第幾年工 養音樂 唔講你點會知 仲口講支持 玩分化搞事 披着hip hop嘅皮 玩緊八婆辦公室政治
あの夜はslow 一瞬のようで永遠だった Still unknown 分からないから無邪気に笑った 時間は不公平で 過ぎ去っていくばっかり 届きそうで届かない距離 抑えきれない気持ちと 矛盾するday and night 邪魔したくない 君のその笑みを壊したくない でも 後悔したくない 自分を騙せない また月が全てを奪っていく Only you 忘れたいよ Lonely for 気付かないで この夢が覚めても 君を探してしまいそうで もし全ての嘘に気付いても その涙の意味に気付いても あの月のように変わらない 君を照らす 光でありたい I know it, I know it I know it, I know everything Already know, already know I know it あの夜はfast 永遠のようで一瞬だった Already know 全てを知っても変わらなかった 時間は不公平で 相変わらずだったし 届いたようで届いていない 抑えきれない 自分に素直になるんだよ 今夜 邪魔は出来ない 運命にでも逆らうくらい もう後悔しない 絶対 自分は騙せない また月が全てを照らしていく Only you 忘れないよ Lonely for 気付かせて この夢が覚めても 君を探すよ もし全ての嘘に気付いても その涙の意味に気付いても あの月のように変わらない 君を照らす 光でありたい I know it, I know it I know it, I know everything Already know, already know I know it
Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh I think today is gonna be a bad day I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day I think today is gonna be a bad day Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh I think today is gonna be a bad day I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day I think today is gonna be a bad day Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh 上手くいかないだろ 何もかも ほらもう いや皆は調子良さそう いや俺だけDown Down Down 気丈に振る舞うけど 全然元気出ねぇよ あの子は振り向かないし 親にも怒鳴られちゃうし もう誰かに邪魔されているような気がするよ 全く最悪な今日 この分 明日は良い日になるのかい? I think today is gonna be a bad day I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day I think today is gonna be a bad day Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh I think today is gonna be a bad day I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day I think today is gonna be a bad day Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh あいつに彼女が出来たらしいよ とか 聞いてもいないのに わざわざ教えてこなくて良いよ 何を聞いてもぼーっとしている 今日は 歌詞をかいたってゴミ箱行きばっかなのさ 神様はいつも意地悪だな 俺にだけ 何で たちのわるい奴だけど 明日は味方してくれよな I think today is gonna be a bad day I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day I think today is gonna be a bad day Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh I think today is gonna be a bad day I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day I think today is gonna be a bad day Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh Oh-e-oh-oh-oh-e-oh
{Sample:}* She just keeps on walking, just keeps on walking, walking away You go your way and I'll go mine You have your reasons I have mine, friend {Over The Sample: Kali } Yeah, Aiyo Statik... let her go, man You really can't hold on to 'em for too long, They say the same way you get 'em is the same way you lose 'em right? True story, I know, Word up, yeah... Kali... Showoff, Showoff, Showoff, Showoff... I'm sick of talk 'cause, you flying off at the mouth, Once friends – now I can barely walk in the house, Love ends, that's why you gotta focus on the dollar sign, You can lose it all fast, look at how Dolla died Life is a horror show, living is horrible, Death is a guarantee, you go when you gotta go, Time isn't borrowed, no more tomorrows, Just a closed casket and empty Henny bottles Times change, I'm guessing I'm just changing with 'em Same old song and dance, but this a different rhythm Shackle without the prison, I'm matching my opposition, Attacking the competition, it's nothing, they gotta listen All of my old friends, all of my ex chicks, Both of my baby moms, and my next bitch, Fuck all of 'em, I just need my own space, Focus on me for a while, go at my own place, like... You go your way and I'll go mine {Do you, 'cause I'm damn sure doing me} You go your way and I'll go mine {I know, shit changed but ain't nothing new to me, nah} You go your way and I'll go mine {I really can't explain, it's just the way it is} You have your reasons, I have mine, friend {I know it's hard to leave, but I can handle this} "Peace, love"... that's what I told her 'fore I hit the block, Yes, she spoke a little, but her actions always said a lot, She said "a woman need a king just like Coretta Scott, I know your swag is on trill', but your cheddar's not" Damn, and honesty hit me like a motherfucker Life is like a bitch in the streets, it's sort of his blood brother Try to hold you down from these hustlers and these blood suckers, Everybody came in and they aimin' for our love, trust us (trust us) And so we take a little time off, You a diamond, guess I threw your lil' shine off, Man, I need something to take my mind off, Then I see you on my Facebook page and I sign off, uh, It was special for what it's ever worth, But shorty need a balla, and I'm far from Jesus Shuttleworth, So I leave this block, 'cause shit gets hotter than a kettle burn, Wonder if she'll ever learn, man I guess it'll never work, so... Mind in a hundred places, my brain's racing, Meditation, marijuana's my medication I zone out – that's the only way to escape Eyes low, hydro, smoke straight to the face I tread the water like I'm drowned and, trying to get air, I can't breathe, this bitch is always crowding my square, So, pass me another spliff, or pass me another beer, See, rapping this is my gift, I'm happy to make it clear, Too many snowy nights, not enough sunny days, Too much money spent, not enough money saved, They try to pull me down... it only pick me up, They try to knock me out... they couldn't lift me up It only made me smarter, it only made me better, I only worked harder, stacked more chedar, So forever this time is just a memory, I gotta go for now, but she'll remember me, cause...
近來發呆甚煽動 有時我疑慮放空 得手階磚 這生存泉源 極樂與死牢極化兩端 萬人夢熱潮悸動 浪潮帶人良善變凶 過氣了都什麼世紀 出格無阻口碑 企踩條base line 怯到匿埋無可厚非 我情願踏實步步如願 愉快地凌亂 夠不到精心設計與精算 我想要得什麼種什麼發至肺腑 用不上平庸旁人來說穿 但站著亦氣焰 活著亦紀念 越拒絕讒言 越發放到你浪漫滿天 為戒見證個某個步向路障 箇中深谷那個迷 胡同猜不透嘅迷題 裝不出的低調系 口水不多懂曉故世 勿論你肺腑裡污穢 我脈絡壞性未能耐住耐性 未列入名單共患互利互惠 當不到的低調系 信靠事在人為 手風不差可惜輸給偏章 醒一巴刮得要響 直接提神 提防力有不逮 本命属大將 如質疑請表演你單手拍響 苦盡我哋早已將作品推往奢侈品門檻 立品牌形象 甘來是坐享觀眾席倍數增長 憑我本事 得來物不易 生於貧至透徹 致富定律是八二 高帽你恨笠 但我嫌戴 浮誇服裝你執一套 我重點放銀戒 謾議已顯成人為災 超前的人活似炭上蜆 有口難開 矛盾是口沒遮攔我死性難改 鯊群未能活動怎樣帶氧海水流腮 吹灰不費 心中有劍 不哼聲低調活在食物鏈頂端 人前輸出的驚艷是設計者鋪張 草食動物輸猛獸 猛獸輸火槍 礦石不切割好讓你估價 越是少軍演越屬先進國家 短淺眼光怕籮底橙跌 魚屍體鹽批量醃 嗱 專業是貢獻產業 雲起風湧靜靜品馬嬲搣 有益嘅我索性買一篋 新嘅冇益嘅人將音樂抽掉思想難怪會說是噪音 裝不出的低調系 口水不多懂曉故世 勿論你肺腑裡污穢 我脈絡壞性未能耐住耐性 (未列) 未列入名單共患互利互惠 當不到的低調系 信靠事在人為 (入紙稿 擰 刨筆 美工刀試留痕) (填每首永續金曲每首當時流行) 手風不差可惜輸給偏章 醒一巴刮得要響 (入盒綁繩 尾結) 直接提神 提防力有不逮 裝不出的低調系 口水不多懂曉故世 (Yack 房 練仙) 勿論你肺腑裡污穢 我脈絡壞性未能耐住耐性 (心對半開 一片一遍) 未列入名單共患互利互惠 當不到的低調系 信靠事在人為 手風不差可惜輸給偏章 醒一巴刮得要響 直接提神 提防力有不逮
要諗要儲要比 生活費我眼淚兩行 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩鑊 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排鐵打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 麻甩佬追 平均5 60歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖 寒窗溫故知新 賽馬會投資顧問 中純萬唔要爛腳 紅底橫掉要轉着 撈月摸東我拆卡窿睇吓邊個出沖先 大管又拜堂口又拜關聖爺你幫邊邊 娶個問題新抱一個攞煲蓋改一個揸刀 晏晝落場焗住鋪塊紙皮港產片再返煲 講幾次唔明就算 你知佢份人係串 勞工處派人嚟勸 算啦算啦 同一條村 皆因啲道友呢家仲緊火 細個就已經見慣見熟 美沙酮診所嗰頭問你借廿蚊 見到就知係騙局 角落中推紙皮陰公 佢自己捱緊嘅貧窮 周圍就係駁落嘅檐篷 以前返學坐車成地針筒 係家下身無分文 板間房冇人去跟進 夜麻麻 陰陰沉沉 以前晚晚望住雷生春 等我搵到表弟 就快到通州街橋底 Everything I don't like 冇嘢做嘅就落龍威 生活費 我眼涙兩行 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩鑊 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排跌打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 麻甩佬追 平均5 60歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖
想問供到啦層樓 個社會喺咪有保證 地鐵站B-boy Security兩邊都粗口嘴型 經過天真爛漫陀螺加BB彈 入學見面禮喺比古惑仔當傻仔玩 日頭突擊測驗喺將進酒嘅典故 夜晚學識乜嘢叫做老表邊班叔父 耳機循環LMF用粗口講嘅道理 揸緊中指我有把尺齋覆桌唔撩皮 而秘密講比社工知 社工當喺人情派 所以call我一定出就當喺打隻人情牌 喺街區碌上岸幸運兒有幾多 有啲撈起左正行有啲仲喺入邊坐 陸續結婚創業送花籃送果盤 地盤收工執銅賣 老細Audi最新款 著件西裝領呔 瀨屎褲加條鏈 到底邊個卓越邊個比較識裝門面 而我啲歌一直派 命我自己改 運 一直眷顧 唔中個瓣唔開 俾支mic我玩 一晚 我玩到聲沙 啤酒樽轉中我揀 冒險同時講真話 得嘅未必有人追 唔得嘅總會有人撲 金融城市美其外 文化當花生剝個殼 太多漫無目的鳩游 痞公園痞到臭 寫字樓 唔濕手 大水喉 派人頭 想學外圍波啲老闆輸幾廿粒當跌 出事匿喺私竇教腳帶隻水鬼黑鋼撇 財仔叫學生五金舖開兩呎鐵 見到差佬暗着袋咪俾佢周到包嘢跌 要醒爬 蝕桌就免埋牙 得失少個襯家 埋堆捱少兩扒 Hip Hop啲講嘢真實咪兩嘢變卦 文化締造我大個締造文化 植根於地下 喺地下 紮根 依然 奢望 可以 上樓 你怕 有事發生 以前 好多嘢講 所以 掉轉槍頭 凌晨 兩點九 仲未瞓 閃過 自殺嘅念頭 條路想點走 被困 巔坡 命運 嘅變奏 冇學壞到 冇飲大到 學喺街度 要避Five-O 身邊幾多個 博大霧 幾多個 High到 索壞腦 家徒四壁 嘅記憶 猶新 每晚就咁 冇床瞓 有幾多 個睇死我 冇理過 我通通都冇當真 邊個比邊個暗算 癲過幾千個恩怨 七國咁亂 點解唔diss back咁串 淨係生存 啲問題趑趄咁轉 踎喺深水埗 聚賭 戴勞力士 即使 價值最低 等你去到 有日 江湖救急 隨手執 黑水鬼 想學外圍波啲老闆輸幾廿粒當跌 出事匿喺私竇教腳帶隻水鬼黑鋼撇 財仔叫學生五金舖開兩呎鐵 見到差佬暗着袋咪俾佢周到包嘢跌 要醒爬 蝕桌就免埋牙 得失少個襯家 埋堆捱少兩扒 Hip Hop啲講嘢真實咪兩嘢變卦 文化締造我大個締造文化 植根於地下
Go right to left, left to right Middle passage connection Yeah, about to build Tell you which way to go We go right to left, left to right If you fight to the death, what's left to fight We go right to left, left to right If you fight to the death, what's left to fight We go right to left, left to right If you fight to the death, what's left to fight We go right to left, left to right If you fight to the death, yo, here we go I wanna write away, I wanna write here I wanna write brave words to fight fear, write dreams and nightmares Might scare the folks stuck in the day with nothin' to say While I'm way ahead by light years so beware and keep the lights on I wanna write the songs that right the wrong, right on Ridin' the light so you see in the dark So deep you gotta be still like your beatin' heart My words apply the pressure to make the bleedin' stop I see the art of livin' right, eatin' smart I wanna right to life, a right to death Police read your rights from right to left But I never write to remain silent, I fight through police line Cops walk the beat that I write to, I teach minds Write rhymes with the right sound Right now, journalists write up, I write down Party people put a hand in the sky Grab a cloud and squeeze 'til no man is dry Wet it up, go ask the people if they plannin' to die Can't stay to live, consumers is plannin' to buy Slow death operators is standin' by They take you order for the slaughter of the family, why? Do they make it so hard for a man to provide You better get wit it, or stand to the side Stand to the side, stand to the side You better get wit it, or stand to the side Stand to the side, stand to the side You better get wit it, or stand to the side And the story line goes on, right to left, who's right who's wrong Fuck the politics and pride, I just to try to stay alive To witness where the battle lines are drawn Speak my mind and I sing my song I'm passin' on the moral y'all, this is ain't play True, you got to know the way, it's hard now Open eyes, see for hopeful lives, sing it now Makin' my way through life, talkin' to elders and takin' advice Ignorin' their words and payin' the price Livin' in the world where false preachers got us prayin' to Christ Get with the young girls in the choir and layin' the pipe No control of our soul we all wait at the light So comfortable they we hatin' to fight to make it right Late at night I'm controlled by the DJ on the mic I love hiphop and every joint he playin' is tight A day in the life is a brick in the foundation, I'm like A mason in Egypt, amazin' when I'm creatin' a site For the world to behold and the story to last So one day ghetto children can visit their glorious past After Pac and Notorious passed, what do we have? Niggas worth more when they dead, it's so sad Started with the slavery we finish the plan But I broke the cycle and became a man Party people put a hand in the sky Grab a cloud and squeeze 'till no man is dry Wet it up, go ask the people if they plannin' to die Can't stay to live, consumers is plannin' to buy Slow death operators is standin' by They take you order for the slaughter of the family, why? Do they make it so hard for a man to provide You better get wit it, or stand to the side Stand to the side, stand to the side You better get wit it, or stand to the side Stand to the side, stand to the side You better get wit it, or stand to the side Come on I got my man Savion in the house We about to put it down Here we go, come on Stand to the side Stand to the side Stand to the side Stand to the side Stand to the side Stand to the side Stand to the side Stand to the side
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