The Captain Planet Theme Ringtones

111865 ringtones matching "The Captain Planet Theme". Here you can browse, listen and download The Captain Planet Theme Ringtones for free. Best The Captain Planet Theme Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Ich sehe an deinen Spuren, dass es schwierig für dich war Du ahnst durch meinen Blick, dass ich nicht warten kann Ich weiß nichts, bis du etwas sagst Wohin mit unseren Händen? Wo hängen wir unsere Augen hin, an diesen kargen Wänden? Du sitzt neben mir und sagst: Alles wird besser nächstes Jahr Wenn wir wieder da sind - falls wir wieder da sind Ich glaub ich bleibe hier, rede noch ein wenig mit dem Wind Und such nach einem Satz, um meine Trauer zu bekunden Du suchst nach einem Knopf, um dieses Treppenhaus zu fluten Und du schaust zu, wie sie ihre Häuser bauen, jedes Jahr aufs Neue Und wir schauen zu, wie das Salz sich seine Nägel holt, jedes Jahr aufs Neue. Er vertreibt die letzten Vögel, zwingt die Bäume wieder herzugeben Was sie gesammelt haben im August Macht heut zu einem Tag, an dem die Hauseingänge Trauer tragen Lässt die Autos durch die Massen kreischen, immer um den Block herum Wie alles was ich denke um deinen letzten Text In dem du suchst nach einem Satz, um deine Trauer zu bekunden Ich such nach einem Knopf, um dieses Treppenhaus zu fluten Und du schaust zu, wie sie ihre Häuser bauen, jedes Jahr aufs Neue Und wir schauen zu, wie das Salz sich seine Nägel holt, jedes Jahr aufs Neue. Zwischen den Masten hängen die letzten Töne Unter unseren Schritten geht das letzte Licht Dein letzter Blick, mein letztes Lächeln Legst deine Lippen an mein Ohr Hälst meinen Daumen in deiner Hand Wir geben auf
Capixaba tem Urucum Tupi-Guarani Mas também gosto de uma moqueca de siri Pode me chamar de farofeira Bota o camarão, bota o sururu Nas panelas de Goiabeiras Vem saborear Laia, la la ia Oba, otra Moqueca Baiana, Angola Africa Quem vai querer, moqueca! Moqueca! Com ou sem dendê? Moqueca! Moqueca! Todos vão comer, minha moqueca! Linda, pode crer, o nome dela é moqueca! Parapa papa (moqueca, moqueca!) Parapa papa (moqueca, moqueca!) Parapa papa (minha moqueca!) Parapa papa (o nome dela é moqueca) Ela é capixaba, mas ela é também baiana Bota pimenta, ovo, pode botar banana Farinha na peixada é tudo de bom Mexe e remexe dun, dun, dun Mexe até virar pirão Vem saborear Laia, la la ia Oba, otra Moqueca Baiana, Angola Africa Quem vai querer, moqueca! Moqueca! Com ou sem dendê? Moqueca! Moqueca! Todos vão comer, minha moqueca! Linda, pode crer Vamo la, vamo la! Quem quer pimenta? Mais malagueta Na minha moqueca Mais malagueta! Quem quer pimenta? Mais malagueta Na minha moqueca (vamo la, vamo la!) Quem vai querer, moqueca! Moqueca! Com ou sem dendê? Moqueca! Moqueca! Todos vão comer, minha moqueca! Linda, pode crer, o nome dela é moqueca! Olha a moqueca saindo! Fresquinha, quentinha e deliciosa! Já provou minha moqueca? Issa! E lasca pimenta mesmo!
Caminando pa 'lante sin mirar atrás Voy abriendo caminos pa llegar allá Voy de frente y sin mente Sin titubear Disfrutando el presente solo hay que gozar Yo Lucharé Ay que yo lucharé Yo lucharé Ay que yo luchare Pambelé Por lo que quiero sin igual Parecía que estaba muerta, que no me movía Que la toalla yo iba a tirar Que yo iba a claudicar Que ya iba cruzando la puerta fuera de esta vida Solo paré pa respirar yo voy pa allá Óyeme! Caminando pa 'lante sin mirar atrás Voy abriendo caminos pa llegar allá Voy de frente y sin mente Sin titubear Disfrutando el presente Solo hay que gozar Yo Lucharé Ay que yo lucharé Yo lucharé Ay que yo lucharé Pambelé Como ninguno Pambelé Número uno Pambelé Caminando pa 'lante sin mirar atrás Voy abriendo caminos pa llegar allá Voy de frente y sin mente Sin titubear Disfrutando el presente Solo hay que gozar Yo Lucharé Ay que yo lucharé Yo lucharé Ay que yo lucharé Pambelé
Elevando Elevando Elevando Elevando Elevando Esta quemando esta quemando se Elevando Esta quemando esta quemando se Mando eso mando eso Voy volando bien Mando eso Volando volando Mando eso Voy volando bien Cuidado que quidado Cuidado que quidado Te lleva, te lleva Cuidado que quidado Te lleva, te lleva Cuidado que quidado Elevando Elevando Elevando Esta quemando esta quemando se Elevando Esta quemando esta quemando se Elevando me Elevando Voy volando bien Volando volando Mando eso Cuidado que quidado Voy volando bien Elevando Elevando Elevando me Elevando Voy volando bien Elevando Esta quemando esta quemando se Elevando Esta quemando esta quemando se Elevando Elevando me Elevando
Draußen wird der Gehweg aufgeschichtet Ein Deich aus Schutt und Planen führt durch das ganze Land Es gibt wieder Eistee und Brötchen Halb in den Löchern versunken Im Winter im Schnee, im Sommer im Regen Keiner bewahrt was für uns auf Weiter – bis die Stimme aufgibt Bis alles zerfällt Bis der Vorhang wieder aufgeht, uns nichts mehr hier hält Zu schwach – zu wenig Alles viel zu sehr gewollt Das hier ist ein Ende Der Weg vom Idyll in den Bunker ist lang Und ich schieb mein Gesicht vor mir her, wie meinen Einkaufswagen Du trägst bestimmt schon seit Stunden den Rucksack durch die Wohnung Was geht noch rein, was muss noch mit, was ist morgen noch wichtig? Wir boxen immer noch Löcher in den Tag Treten eure Türen ein Niemals die Kraft alles zu tragen Und das bewahren wir für euch auf Schließen die Lücken in der Nacht Klopfen sanft an eure Fenster Niemals die Kraft, doch es geht weiter
Dein Rückgrat gebrochen Dein Herz tobt wie ein Kind Von Wespen gestochen Eine Zwiebel in der Hand Die noch so klein ist Und dann die großen Wunden Jeden morgen nimmst du Farbe Ein freundliches Gesicht aufgemalt - Stundenlang Und jeden Abend die Reste vom Boden aufgewischt Die Nuancen des Gefühls: "ich bin so satt" Hast du dir alle beigebracht Weit weg von zu hause Alleine im Waschraum vor dem Spiegel Und jetzt? Durch die Löcher im Dach Tropft der Regen auf dein Bett Diese Flucht tut dir gut Es fehlte einfach das Gefühl Nie allein zu sein Und gegen jede deiner Stärken stemmt sich eine Schwäche Und du kommst keinen Meter weiter Auf dem Weg von der Küche ins Bad Schaust du schon lang nicht mehr in den Spiegel Und die Schubladen sind längst alle leer Und immer mehr von deiner Zeit geht baden Du kannst das "euch" in deinem Namen nicht vergessen Nur dich selber im Zwölf-Stunden-Takt Hast es satt dich zu kümmern Zu lächeln, zu weinen, zu streiten und dich zu zerstören Und an der Stelle an der ich mit den Augen häng Fährt dein Zug vorbei Und gegen jede deiner Schwächen Stemmt sich eine Stärke dagegen
Versuchst nur noch nein zu sagen Wenn es gar nicht mehr anders geht Wenn das essen nicht mehr drin bleibt Wenn das ja fuer jemand anders steht Trittst raus auf die strasse Der mond ein stroboskop Der ostwind und das eis Der schnee und dein atem Deine blase und die bar Ihr rauch und die nacht Der morgen und die strasse Ihre blicke und der bus Dein bett und ihr kissen Wieder allein, immer allein Gehst wieder an die grenzen Hier fuehlst du dich wohl Steigst zurueck unter diese decke Huellst dich wieder ein Kratzt alte schichten runter Alles muss raus - heute noch Nimmst dir so viel zeit wie ihr braucht Nachbarhaeuser leuchten gelb und blau Mit einem daumen auf der klingel Drehst du dich um und laeufst Wenn du jetzt nach vorne faellst Liegt ihr euch in den armen Zum allerersten mal seit 25 jahren Und auch damals bist du nur gerannt In den morgen und die strasse Ihre blicke und der bus Dein bett und ihr kissen Wieder allein, immer allein Viva allein!
Sie haben eine Lampe aufgestellt, unten auf dem Parkplatz Sie streut ihr Licht in deine aufgekippten Fenster Sie malt Formen an die Wand und an die Decke Mit kalten Füßen kommst du unter meine Hier und da, dann und dort Wir haben es immer wieder versucht Zwischen den Zeilen Blumen auszusäen – grandios gescheitert Sie haben ihre Ohren aufgesperrt, Münder halb geöffnet Augen aus Glas, Finger aus Holz und Tinte Mit nassen Haaren steig ich aus dem Bett Unsere Uhren lügen nie und es ist gerade mal halb drei Hier und da, dann und dort Wir haben es immer wieder versucht, eine Ebene aufzubauen Gewinnt denn alles hier erst an Wert, wenn wir dafür zahlen? Kein Rat von euch ist gratis, ich bin pleite Gestern abend ging das Licht aus – unvermittelt Ein Stein ist wohl geflogen Ich weiß auch nicht, woher er kam Ist mir doch egal! Wenn du es warst, sags mir nicht Ich geh noch heute abend Hier und da, dann und dort Wir haben es immer wieder versucht, eine Ebene aufzubauen Gewinnt denn alles hier erst an Wert, wenn wir dafür zahlen? Schau mal hier Zwischen den Zeilen hab ich die Zwiebeln ausgepflanzt Und jetzt kommst du mit deinem Auftrag Vertrocknet, geknickt, verdurstet, überfahren, vergessen und erfroren Wir alle sind gescheitert! Wir alle sind gescheitert!
Soviel Glück, so viele Jahre lang vom Band gelaufen Verschifft durch ein System von Stichkanälen Von dieser Fabrik steht nur noch der Schornstein Und drumherum ein Stahlgerüst Ich werd dich ab jetzt um nichts mehr bitten Diese Haus wird eine Hütte, doch wir passen alle rein So wie die Vögel sich dort draußen Auf den Zweigen sammeln vor dem Abflug Wird es Stück für Stück immer mehr Holz in deinem Keller Du hast Steine aufgeschichtet und ein Feuer angemacht Auf diesem Stuhl willst du nicht mehr sitzen Vor diesem Schreibtisch nur noch liegen Den kalten Boden atmen Du willst mit deinen Fingern keines dieser Dinge nur ein Zwinkern länger halten Und doch knackt dieses scheiß Licht jeden Morgen deine Lider wieder auf (The world is an oyster) Zieh dich lieber wieder aus und leg dich schlafen Öfter mal was wirklich Neues Irgendwo steht dein Rad noch angeschlossen Und der Schlüssel wiegt schwer in deiner Hand Alles dazwischen, völlig vernarbt
Es hat dich befreit, Dinge aufzugeben Ich koch heut für uns drei und du bist am sortieren Diesmal gibt es mehr als nur ein neues Muster An der immer selben Wand! Die Vernunft packt dich in Schüben Auf der letzten Stufe drehst du um Dort unten fährt die letzte Bahn Einfach keine Schwäche zeigen Nachts schlafen kann nicht alles sein Aller Anfang ist weiß und leer Und dazu passt gut Dass der Himmel heute grau ist So viele Hürden auf dem Weg hierher gerissen Beide Knöchel dick und blau Das rote Band reißt auf deiner Brust Immer der Erste sein, mit den Letzten trinken Nur so spürst du, dass du alles kannst Eine riesen Lücke klafft in deinem Alltag Vom letzten Wochenende allein in ihren Gassen So verloren in ihren Bars Alles ist zersplittert auf den Stufen vom Montmatre Und dann zurückgeschleppt bis vor deine Haustür Der Schatten unter dir wird immer größer Diesmal gibt es mehr als nur ein neues Muster An der immer selben Wand!
Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! GO PLANET! With your powers combined I am Captain Planet! Captain Planet, he's our hero, Gonna take pollution down to zero, He's our powers magnified, And he's fighting on the planet's side Captain Planet, he's our hero, Gonna take pollution down to zero, Gonna help him put asunder, Bad guys who like to loot and plunder "You'll pay for this Captain Planet!" We're the planeteers, You can be one too! 'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do, Looting and polluting is not the way, Hear what Captain Planet has to say Captain Planet, he's our hero, Gonna take pollution down to zero, Gonna help him put asunder Bad guys who like to loot and plunder THE POWER IS YOURS!!
And these months went by so sweet I met her down by the stream and she was pure Like honeycomb on the fire, dew in the north And she tugged on my sleeves asking, "Where you going?" "I've been baking you cookies you can leave in the morning" I, I want you around But see I'm drawn to your flames like a moth to the fold In these old pair of jeans unwashed in your wardrobe I'm caught at the seams of who I'll become Can be a man to the sea and the needs to your love And if I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve We can say to other people Look I'm better off with her And if I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve We can say to other people Look I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her Don't let me down And these months went by so sweet We jumped overboard, company wherever I go She said, "Let's leave in the morning" "Been knitting you a jumper for when it gets colder" She puts my head in her hands, whenever I'm feeling low Or if I feel like I've kept, too much from words that I chose And there's rust on my frame, or was I sitting too close? Is it salt in my palms or have I been here before? And if I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve We can say to other people Look I'm better off with her And if I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve We can say to other people Look I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her But I'm no good for your daughter 'Til I've learned to breathe underwater But she's been coaxing me under, telling me how She'll be holding my hands if I make it around And I'm no good for your daughter 'Til I've learned to breathe underwater But she's been coaxing me under telling me how She'll be holding my hands if make it around If I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve We can say to other people Look I'm better off with her If I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve We can say to other people Look I'm better off with her If I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve And we can say to other people (no, no, no) And if I could be your Captain Planet would you be my girl? And together we could save the world Here on out I will do my best to be someone you deserve And we can say to other people I'm better off with her, oh oh I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her, oh oh And I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her, oh And I'm better off with her And I'm better off with her, ooh oh I'm better off with her I'm better off with her, oh love Don't let me down
Sometimes things can get so heavy Some things are too big to bury It's so clear and it's so blurry I'm too full and I'm too empty What I need to carry on Is a sweet and simple song I don't need an intervention I just got to release tension I don't want another government prescription I just need some free expression 9 to 5 AM us dancing in the garden Sometimes letting go is how to solve a problem What I need to carry on Is a sweet and simple song Music is medicine Music is medicine Music is medicine Music is medicine Music is medicine Yes it is, yes it is, let it in, yes Music is medicine Sometimes things can get so heavy Some things are too big to bury I got problems got too many Music makes them temporary What I need to carry on Is a sweet and simple song 9 to 5 AM us dancing in the garden Sometimes letting go is how to solve a problem Music is medicine Yes it is, yes it is, let it in, yes Music is medicine 9 to 5 AM us dancing in the garden What do you face? Dance it away, dance it away What do you face? Dance it away, dance it away What do you face? Dance it away, dance it away What do you face? Dance it away, dance it away Music is medicine Music is medicine Music is medicine Yes it is, yes it is, let it in, yes Music is medicine 9 to 5 AM us dancing in the garden Sometimes letting go is how to solve a problem Music is medicine Yes it is, yes it is, let it in, yes Music is medicine 9 to 5 AM us dancing in the garden Take it take it... let the music carry on, music is medicine
We'll get it done, we'll work as one, we'll get it done, nah, nah We'll get it done, we'll work as one We'll get it done, nah, nah (Oh listen up) We'll get it done, we'll work as one We'll get it done, nah, nah (Come on everyone) We'll get it done, we'll work as one We'll get it done, nah, nah (We can do it, yeah) You and I got the power 너와 나의 작은 별 지금 아파하고 있어 하늘은 자꾸 어두워져 But you and I got the power 시곗바늘을 힘껏 잡아 너의 손에 꼭 자 돌아가 보자고 Oh, oh, yeah 하늘까지 걸어가 까만 구름 위로 점프 (Don't make it stop) 우리 함께 해볼까 'Cause wherever you go, I'm goin' And you know it (And you know it; Here we go) 잿빛 도시 멀리 여행을 떠나자 널 비추는 달빛을 따라 You're one in a million So let all your colors shine (Colors shine) 밤하늘 깊이 춤을 추는 별들 따라 one, two, three 함께 떠나 저기 아득한 우주 멀리 You're one in a million So let all your colors shine (Dance right, dance dance right) We'll get it done, we'll work as one, we'll get it done, nah, nah We'll get it done, we'll work as one, we'll get it done 저 파란 energy (Energy) 이끌어내 더 높이 이 세곌 되돌릴 seven keys We singin', we dancin' You could feel the air (Listen up) 뭐든 할 수 있어 (Work it up) 이미 알고 있어 (All the love) Let's rock the world (If we want it we can have it) We'll save this planet We love this planet 소중한 모든 걸 지키고 싶은 걸 꽃들 사이 날아가 초록 들판 위에 누워 (Don't make it stop) 어떤 꿈을 꿔볼까 'Cause wherever you go, I'm goin' And you know it (Here we go) 잿빛 도시 멀리 여행을 떠나자 널 비추는 달빛을 따라 You're one in a million So let all your colors shine (Colors shine) 밤하늘 깊이 춤을 추는 별들 따라 one, two, three 함께 떠나 저기 아득한 우주 멀리 You're one in a million So let all your colors shine (Dance right, dance dance right) We'll get it done, we'll work as one We'll get it done, nah, nah We'll get it done, We'll work as one We'll get it done, nah, nah We'll get it done, We'll work as one We'll get it done, nah, nah We'll get it done, we'll work as one We'll get it done
The sky was hot It's rays beat down on my head I looked up vast and cloudless it cast unblinking eyes down on me It's rays beat down on my head I tried to look away But it's horizons drew me in I was waiting for its change For the sigh of shadows I began to move in time While it beat down hot and silent Waiting for change For the silence of shadows While it beat down hot and silent. silent. silent. silent. I was dancing on that summer day Thirsty landscape yearning for your call The dark skies would they shadow me now I was waiting there for you to fall Come cover me Like silver tears again Come cover me Like silent tears again Come cover me Like silver tears again Come cover me Like silent tears again The air was hot Like fists pounding in my head I looked around Still was the sky and cloudless There was something keeping me there Thunder shaking on that heavy day The dark skies they shadowed me there And I stayed there in the summer rain Come cover me Like silver tears again Come cover me Like silent tears again Come cover me Like silver tears again Come cover me Like silent tears again (And again and again and again...) (Heavy rain begins to fall) You fell like a thousand petals and drenched me with your tears I was dancing on last summer day While you continued to fall And drench me with your tears I was dancing on last summer day The last summer day (And again and again and again...) You fell like a thousand petals and drenched me with your tears I was dancing on last summer day While you continued to fall And drench me with your tears I was dancing on last summer day The last summer day (Thunder)
The man 'cross the street he don't move a muscle Though he's all covered in dust When constitutions of granite can't save the planet What's to become of us? With a painted restraint I don't move a muscle Though a turbine roars If the bathwater's clear and my ear's underwater It's a tolerant hum from the core Sleep's beckoning from the depths From the cracks and from the crevices Join the army of ghosts, the murmurs in the mist That's when the powers of observation Come to the periphery town And we'd carry their water We don't make a sound And after gaining our resignation They come through the chain link fence Your only enemy's panic Your only chance is to start making sense Sleep plunging into deeper debt Inter bunkers and black minarets On a geyser of ink, a morning voice faint and yet And it sounds heroincredible Sound that makes the headphones edible Awake, affiliated and indelible The man 'cross the street don't move a muscle Though he's all covered in dust Says constitutions of granite can't save the planet What's left to captivate us? (What's to become of us?) What's left to captivate us? (What's to become of us?) What's left to captivate us? (What's to become of us?) What's to become of us?
Now the Captain called me to his bed He fumbled for my hand "Take these silver bars," he said "I'm giving you command" "Command of what, there's no one here There's only you and me All the rest are dead or in retreat Or with the enemy" "Complain, complain, that's all you've done Ever since we lost If it's not the Crucifixion Then it's the Holocaust" "May Christ have mercy on your soul For making such a joke Amid these hearts that burn like coal And the flesh that rose like smoke" "I know that you have suffered, lad But suffer this awhile Whatever makes a soldier sad Will make a killer smile" "I'm leaving, Captain, and I've got to go There's blood upon your hand But tell me, Captain, if you know Of a decent place to stand" "There is no decent place to stand In a massacre But if a woman take your hand Then go and stand with her" "I left a wife in Tennessee And a baby in Saigon I risked my life, but not to hear Some country-western song" "Ah but if you cannot raise your love To a very high degree Then you're just the man I've been thinking of So come and stand with me" "Your standing days are done," I cried "You'll rally me no more I don't even know what side We fought on, or what for" "I'm on the side that's always lost Against the side of Heaven I'm on the side of Snake-eyes tossed Against the side of Seven And I've read the Bill of Human Rights And some of it was true But there wasn't any burden left So I'm laying it on you" Now the Captain he was dying But the Captain wasn't hurt The silver bars were in my hand I pinned them to my shirt
It was way past midnight And she still couldn't fall asleep This night the dream was leavin' She tried so hard to keep And with the new day's dawning She felt it driftin' away Not only for a cruise Not only for a day Too long ago, too long apart She couldn't wait another day for The captain of her heart As the day came up she made a stop She stopped waiting another day for The captain of her heart Too long ago, too long apart She couldn't wait another day for The captain of her heart Too long ago, too long apart She couldn't wait another day for The captain of her heart As the day came up she made a stop She stopped waiting another day for The captain of her heart Too long ago, too long apart She couldn't wait another day for The captain of her heart
Well I used to be a farmer, and I made a living fine I had a little stretch of land along the sea be line But times went by and though I tried, the money wasn't there And the bankers came and took my land and told me fair is fair I looked for every kind of job the answer always no Hire you now they always laughed we just let 20 go The government they promised me a measly a little sum But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum Then I thought who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone I'm gonna be a pirate, on the river Saskatchewan And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores Well you think the local farmers would know that I'm at large But just the other day I found an unprotected barge I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser I rammed the ship and sank it and stole the fertilizer Bridge outside of Moose Jaw spans the mighty river Farmers cross with so much fear their stomach are a-quiver 'Cause they know that Captain Tractor's hiding in the bay I'll jump the bridge and knock 'em cold and sail off with their hay And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores Well Mountie Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat He followed on the shore lines cause he didn't own a boat But the cutbacks were coming and the mountie lost his job So now he's sailing with me and we call him Salty Bob A swinging sword and skull and bones and pleasant company I never pay my income tax and screw the GST (Screw it!) Sailing down to Saskatoon the terror of the sea If you want to reach the co-op boy you gotta get by me Ha har And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores Well the pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here I hear in North Alberta there's a band of buccaneers They roam the Athabasca from Smith to Fort McKay And you're gonna lose your stetson if you have to pass their way Well winter is a-coming and a chill in the breeze But pirate days are over once the river starts to freeze But I'll be back in spring time, but now I have to go I hear there's lots of plundering down in New Mexico And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores And it's a heave ho hi ho coming down the plains Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains And it's a ho hey hi hey farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores
Call up the captain tell him I ain't comin' in He can dig his own coal something else is happening This living that I'm making is doing a sin It's broken the lives of too many good men Been hauling coal since I was big enough to fight Some 30 odd shifts with out a glimpse of daylight The corporation likes to say that everythings alright Dig yourself a hole get outta sight There's a dark cloud above me that's blocking out the sun Burn another hundred coal listen to the engines run One half is starving while the others having fun So call the captain, call the captain, call the captain, call the captain Melinda close the door I ain't going down to the mines today I want clear blue skies and whole lot more I ain't going down to the mine There's a hole in this bucket I've been carrying around I fill it up to the top and watch it spill on the ground I go down to the mines and when I come back up I got nothin' to show but the sweat on my brow These hills are my own flesh and bones There all that I love and there all that I know Please don't ask me to destroy my home I'm not gonna choose between my heart and soul, so Call the Captain tell him I ain't coming in He can dig his own coal something else is happening This living that making is doing a sin So call the captain, call the captain, the captain Hear the whistle blow this morning Hear the whistle blow today Hear the whistle blow this morning I ain't going down to the mine I ain't going down to the mine
I am the cavalry captain I am the remedy to your heart I am the common collective I am imprinted upon your stars And when you shine Shine your eyes Looking lost Looking bright We'll away on the light brigade And if only for a second If only for a time And if only for a second And if only for a time We'll be alive We'll be alive I am the cavalry captain I am the remedy to your heart I am the common collective I am imprinted upon your stars There is a world There is a time Looking calm Looking kind We'll away at the break of day And if only for a second And of only for a time And if only for a second And if only for a time We'll be alive We'll be alive I am the cavalry captain I am the remedy to your heart I am the common collective I am imprinted upon your stars
(Cap D) Drunken sailors always favor To savor the flavor Of rum that they won From the fruits of their labors Braver from their greater Tolerance for them vapors Alcohol always falls At the root of their Capers What happens when they sawing log In a haze or a fog Face first in their grog? You gotta leave em with a mark cause they bein a wog! How dare they call them selves a great sea dawg Piss on their leg, pose em up on their peg Kick them off of their keg, crush their head like an Egg We don't tolerate debates cause your late Yet in a sad sorry state supposed to man your post by 8 (Chorus) What do we do with a drunken sailor You know we got them drunken sailors What we gonna do with them drunken sailors? Earl ae in the mornin? (Wake em up yo) (Admirality) Eeeeeeearly in the morning is when sailors get to Drinking In the Royal British Navy where the whiskey does the Thinking! Make haste to the waste when them mugs begin a clinking Yeah you pirates lack the bullocks for the bottles we Be sinking We're Steaming! The sun's up over the yardarm, Dreaming of the better times when we're becalmed When you don't know your name, and you smell like a Farm Time to pop another cork and do yourself some harm You may see fit to complain but we can sail when we're Tanked, Getting the job done while you boys be collapsing like Banks Pissed as rats but propped up in immaculate ranks (Chorus) (Sea Dawg) A drunken sailor, is there any other kind? Where we come from the sober are very hard to find Why else are we inclined to be so unkind We leave the daily grind behind and risk one eye goin' Blind Our style is here, albeit a bit belated, A fiery breeze in a field so saturated Yer sound can be drowned by the screams of others If the scurvy crew knocks ye down Ye might never recover So take cover Lest ye discover how Merciless we are On the battlefield, the card table, or the bar We don't give in, we never falter Not a man who serves with us will sniff the hempen Halter We'd rather die in battle instead, My men get paid unless they're swingin the lead, Fight with me and you'll lose at least a leg, Sorry I meant yer head Once I made a jury mast from the enemy's dead
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