Concerts Ringtones

52 ringtones matching "Concerts". Here you can browse, listen and download Concerts Ringtones for free. Best Concerts Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Gone through life and survived Just to see them live It feels like my soul is going to explode Headbanging and screaming along To the lyrics of every song Swaying along to the rhythm of the song I've waited all year long The band on stage makes a perfect team Letting out my feelings with every scream The smile that will never leave my face The heat of the lights like a warm embrace The end of the concert is the saddest part I'm left with I lovely feeling in my heart I wish my life was a constant concert The endless feeling of true comfort The feeling in my stomach when they came onstage I'll ever forget that no matter how old I age Screaming because of how excited I am Dancing for hours, every song is my jam Band on stage makes a perfect team Letting out my feelings with every scream The smile that will never leave my face The heat of the lights like a warm embrace The end of the concert is the saddest part I'm left with I lovely feeling in my heart I wish life was a constant concert The endless feeling of true comfort In concerts, I feel like I belong They can never go on for too long Band on stage makes a perfect team Letting out my feelings with every scream The smile that will never leave my face The heat of the lights like a warm embrace End of the concert is the saddest part Left with I lovely feeling in my heart I wish my life was a constant concert The endless feeling of true comfort Gone through life and survived Just to see them live It feels like my soul is going to explode
Ave Maria, piena di grazia Eletta fra le spose e le vergini sei tu Sia benedetto il frutto, o benedetta Di tue materne viscere, Gesù Prega per chi adorando a te si prostra Prega pel peccator, per l'innocente E pel debole oppresso e pel possente Misero anch'esso, tua pietà dimostra Prega per chi sotto l'oltraggio Piega la fronte e sotto la malvagia sorte Per noi, per noi tu prega Prega sempre e nell'ora della morte nostra Prega per noi, prega per noi, prega Ave Maria Nell'ora della morte Ave! Amen!
Addio, del passato Bei sogni ridenti Le rose del volto Già sono pallenti L'amore d'Alfredo Perfino mi manca Conforto, sostegno Dell'anima stanca Conforto Sostegno, ah Della traviata Sorridi al desio A lei, deh, perdona Tu accoglila, o Dio Or tutto finì Or tutto, tutto finì


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