Cheer Up Ringtones

11601 ringtones matching "Cheer Up". Here you can browse, listen and download Cheer Up Ringtones for free. Best Cheer Up Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Hiooo zogoyou a namedon Zogboyi adono Zogboyou ehhh, God remeber you It's incredible to you, that God remember you Yes I know, but I want to know That God remember you Oh don't worry Everything's gonna be alright Cheer up, (cheer up), Oh don't worry Cheer up, cheer up, God remember you (oh don't worry) Hi zogoyou wè, ah ho waa
Farther along we'll know all about it Along we'll understand why Cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine (sunshine) We'll understand it all by and by Tempted and tried we're living in the sunshine We'll understand it all by and by Cheer up my brothers all by and by All by and by (all by and by) All by and by (all by and by) Farther along we'll know all about it Along we'll understand why Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine (sunshine) We'll understand it all by and by Tempted (ooh) and tried we're living in the sunshine We'll understand it all by and by (all by and by) Cheer up my brothers all by and by (all by and by) Cheer up my brothers all by and by (all by and by) Cheer up my brothers all by and by (all by and by) Cheer up my brothers all by and by (all by and by) Cheer up my brothers all by and by (all by and by) Cheer up my brothers all by and by (all by and by)
When I lay my head dreaming in my bed I will fly away to my favourite holiday Green ribbon in my hair, laughter in the air Snow falling down If Christmas time is once a year Then, all I want to do is spread some cheer Spread some cheer The blissful winter wonderland Stars twinkle bright like tensile for the night If cookies ain't gone there's always room for more Red ribbon in my hair, laughter in the air Snow falling down If Christmas time is once a year Then, all i want to do is spread some cheer Spread some cheer The blissful winter wonder land Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh If Christmas time is once a year Then, all i want to do is spread some cheer Spread some cheer The blissful winter wonderland Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh
快告訴我,你還愛我, 用我最後溫柔的請求, 給你我的墮落,給你我隱藏的脆弱, 告訴我你還愛我... 躲在黑暗的角落,讓我徹底的放鬆, 陪我看一場華麗的煙火, 我的愛如此短暫自由,除了你,沒有人真正了解我。 站在城市的頂峰,灰色的雲朵飄過, 我的心隨著你垂直的降落。 做過的夢是一陣漩渦, 淹沒你,淹沒了我。 快告訴我,你還愛我, 用我最後溫柔的請求, 給你我的墮落,給你我隱藏的脆弱, 告訴我你還愛我... 快告訴我,你還愛我,用我最後溫柔的請求, 對你毫不保留, 等到我的青春剝落的時候, 你還愛我 快告訴我,你還愛我,用我最後溫柔的請求, 給你我的墮落,給你我隱藏的脆弱, 告訴我你還愛我... 快告訴我,你還愛我,用我最後溫柔的請求, 對你毫不保留, 等到我的青春剝落的時候, 你還愛我 還愛我 還愛我 對你毫不保留, 等到我的青春剝落的時候, 你還愛我 還愛我 還愛我 躲在黑暗的角落,讓我徹底的放鬆, 陪我看一場華麗的煙火, 我的愛如此短暫自由,除了你,沒有人真正了解我。
They've got good hearts With a burning desire To work hard They don't even get tired Never try to get a taste of the spotlight No, they only wanna make Santa shine bright oh In the workshop Making cookies and candy With Mrs. Claus While Santa's sippin' brandy And they don't even mind that it's so cold Cos they love living life in the North Pole oh Let's give a cheer for the elves They do like nobody else Working all day and all night To make your wish come alive Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves A cheer for the elves In the mailroom They read every letter That was sent through And no matter the weather They always make sure Santa gets out And he gets every single last gift out oh Let's give a cheer for the elves They do like nobody else Working all day and all night To make your wish come alive Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves A cheer for the elves Let's give a cheer for the elves They do like nobody else Working all day and all night To make your wish come alive Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves A cheer for the elves Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves A cheer for the elves Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la
總以為謎一般難懂的我 在你了解了以後 其實也沒什麼 我總是忽冷又忽熱 隱藏我的感受 只是怕 愛你的心被你看透 猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 我猜著你的心 要再一次確定 遙遠的距離都是因為太過聰明 要猜著你的心 要再一次確定 混亂的思緒都是因為太想靠近你 猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 我猜著你的心 要再一次確定 遙遠的距離都是因為太過聰明 要猜著你的心 要再一次確定 混亂的思緒都是因為太想靠近你 猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 (只是怕親手將我的真心葬送) 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送
這一次 我不想要 一個人走 回去的路 總是背對彩虹 沒有你 我是殘缺的彩虹 失去一個最重要的顏色 想要聽你說 你都怎麼過 你現在好嗎 你微笑點頭 想要聽你說 快樂多過憂愁 想要聽你說 卻發現你在騙我 這一次 你陪著我 兩個人走 回去的路 回頭就有彩虹 沒有你 我是殘缺的彩虹 哪裡去找 最重要的顏色 想要聽你說 你都怎麼過 你現在好嗎 你微笑點頭 想要聽你說 快樂多過憂愁 想要聽你說 卻發現你在騙我 想要聽你說 你都怎麼過 你現在好嗎 你微笑點頭 想要聽你說 快樂多過憂愁 想要聽你說 想要聽你說 想要聽你說 你看見的光 是我
你的毛衣跟著我回家了 我把它擺在我的房間 它曾經陪你走過幾條街 它曾經陪你喝了好幾杯 冰的咖啡 陪你遠走高飛 拍照留念 也曾經靜靜的 躺在你的衣櫃 你的毛衣跟著我回家了 我把它擺在我的房間 它就要覆蓋了我的冬天 它就要刺痛了我最敏銳 愛的幻覺 陪你遠走高飛 拍照留念 天熱了靜靜的 躺在你的衣櫃 我的冬天 就要來了 我的冬天 就要來了 你的身體跟著我回家了 我把它擺在我的床邊 它曾經被你暫時借給誰 它現在靜靜的 躺在我的衣櫃 天熱了靜靜的 躺在我的衣櫃 我的冬天 就要來了 我的冬天 我的冬天
當我佇立在窗前 你愈走愈遠 我的每一次心跳 你是否聽見 當我徘徊在深夜 你在我心田 你的每一句誓言 迴盪在耳邊 隱隱約約 閃動的雙眼 藏著你的羞怯 加深我的思念 兩顆心的交界 你一定會看見 只要你願意走向前 天天想你 天天問自己 到什麼時候才能告訴你 天天想你 天天守住一顆心 把我最好的愛留給你 當我佇立在窗前 你愈走愈遠 我的每一次心跳 你是否聽見 當我徘徊在深夜 你在我心田 你的每一句誓言 迴盪在耳邊 隱隱約約 閃動的雙眼 藏著你的羞怯 加深我的思念 兩顆心的交界 你一定會看見 只要你願意走向前 天天想你 天天問自己 到什麼時候才能告訴你 天天想你 天天守住一顆心 把我最好的愛留給你 天天想你 天天守住一顆心 把我最好的愛留給你
進一步就是退 退在你影子覆蓋範圍 你看的事情多絕對 絕對沒有容許犯錯的機會 退一步就是追 追趕被你侵犯的機會 我留的空間越絕對 越看出你想要擁抱的意味 而我在猜 你會怎麼做 當你失落 意志力薄弱 除非是我 在你的耳邊訴說 彌補一個人的虛空 我們現在 遠距離的戀愛 我是否該放鬆我的期待 除非是我 熟悉你身體的脈博需要最深邃的安慰 讓我貼進你最柔軟的心扉 只有我才能將你的好壞都擁有 我們現在 零距離的戀愛 我是否該坦白我的關懷 如果是我在你的耳邊訴說 能否彌補兩個人的虛空 而我在猜 你會怎麼做 當你滿足不了你的欲求 除非是我 熟悉你身體的脈博需要最深邃的安慰 讓我貼進你最柔軟的心扉 只有我才能將我們的距離都佔有 退一步就是追 追趕被你侵犯的機會 你留的空間除非是我 才能將我們的距離都佔有
昨天我們決定 明年我們要一起去巴黎 要先一起補習 至少學會說一句我愛你 我想我還不夠聰明 還好有你陪我練習 要去巴黎 答拉拉答 昨天我們決定 明年我們要一起去巴黎 要先鍛鍊體力 誰都不許感冒 不許生病 打工賺錢 準備行李 帶著地圖 坐上飛機 要去巴黎 答拉拉答 不過明天的事 誰知道 今天的你不知道 今天的我 今天 過了就好 不過明天的事 誰知道 明天的你我知道 明天的我 希望明天 快來到 昨天我們決定 明年我們要一起去巴黎 要先鍛鍊體力 誰都不許感冒 不許生病 打工賺錢 準備行李 帶著地圖 坐上飛機 要去巴黎 答拉拉答 不過明天的事 誰知道 今天的你不知道 今天的我 今天 過了就好 不過明天的事 誰知道 明天的你我知道 明天的我 希望明天 快來到 LA LA LA
दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा तेरी वफ़ा तेरी सदा तेरा पयाम होगा आज भरी महफिल मे कोई बदनाम होगा आज भरी महफिल मे कोई बदनाम होगा तेरी जफा तेरा सितम तुझपे इलज़ाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा इस दिल में कैसी बेकरारी है तू क्या जाने तू क्या जाने इस दिल में कैसी बेकरारी है तू क्या जाने तू क्या जाने उल्फत के आगे दुनिया हारी है तू क्या जाने तू क्या जाने यूँ दिल तोड़ देना मोहब्बत नही मोहब्बत है चाहत तिजारत नहीं तिजारत नहीं टूटे मेरे इस दिल मे इंतकाम होगा तेरी वफ़ा तेरी सदा तेरा पयाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा दिल मेरा तेरा सौदाई है क्यों ना माने क्यों ना माने हो दिल मेरा तेरा सौदाई है क्यों ना माने क्यों ना माने फितरत में तेरी बेवफाई है क्यों ना माने क्यों ना माने मैं तेरी दीवाना हूँ तेरी कसम बड़ा संगदिल दिल तेरा बेरहम तेरा बेरहम मेरे लबों पे तेरा ही कलाम होगा तेरी वफ़ा तेरी सदा तेरा पयाम होगा आज भरी महफिल में कोई बदनाम होगा आज भरी महफिल में कोई बदनाम होगा तेरी जफा तेरा सितम तुझपे इलज़ाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा दिल चीर के देख तेरा ही नाम होगा
They've got good hearts With a burning desire To work hard They don't even get tired Never try to get a taste of the spotlight No, they only wanna make Santa shine bright Uh (uh) In the workshop Making cookies and candy With Mrs Claus While Santa's sippin' brandy And they don't even mind that it's so cold 'Cause they love living life in the North Pole Uh (uh uh uh) Let's give a cheer for the elves They do like nobody else Working all day and all night To make your wish come alive Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves (hey) A cheer for the elves In the mailroom They read every letter That was sent through And no matter the weather They always make sure Santa gets out And he gets every single last gift out Uh (uh uh uh) Let's give a cheer for the elves They do like nobody else Working all day and all night To make your wish come alive Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves (hey) A cheer for the elves Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves (hey) A cheer for the elves (Hip Hip, Hooray) (Hip Hip) (Hip Hip, Hooray) (Hip Hip) (Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh) Let's give a cheer for the elves They do like nobody else Working all day and all night To make your wish come alive Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves (hey) A cheer for the elves Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la Making dolls, making trains, making model airplanes Helping Santa with a smile on their face Let's give a cheer for the elves (hey) A cheer for the elves
18.太聰明 總以為謎一般難懂的我 在你了解了以後 其實也沒什麼 我總是忽冷又忽熱 隱藏我的感受 只是怕 愛你的心被你看透 猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 我猜著你的心 要再一次確定 遙遠的距離都是因為太過聰明 要猜著你的心 要再一次確定 混亂的思緒都是因為太想靠近你 猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 我猜著你的心 要再一次確定 遙遠的距離都是因為太過聰明 要猜著你的心 要再一次確定 混亂的思緒都是因為太想靠近你 猜的沒錯想得太多 不會有結果 被你看穿了以後 我更無處可躲 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送 我開始後悔不應該太聰明的賣弄 只是怕親手將我的真心葬送
早已忘了想你的滋味是什麼 因為每分每秒都被你佔據在心中 你的一舉一動牽扯在我生活的隙縫 誰能告訴我 離開你的我 會有多自由 也曾想過躲進別人溫暖的懷中 可是這麼一來就一點意義也沒有 我的高尚情操一直不斷提醒著我 離開你的我 不論過多久 還是會寂寞 (觀眾): 別對我小心翼翼 別讓我看輕你 跟著我 勇敢的走下去 別勸我回心轉意 這不是廉價的愛情 看著我 對我說真愛我 也曾想過躲進別人溫暖的懷中 可是這麼一來就一點意義也沒有 我的高尚情操一直不斷提醒著我 離開你的我 不論過多久 還是會寂寞 別對我小心翼翼 別讓我看輕你 跟著我 勇敢的走下去 別勸我回心轉意 這不是廉價的愛情 看著我 對我說真愛我 也曾想過躲進別人溫暖的懷中 可是這麼一來就一點意義也沒有 我的高尚情操一直不斷提醒著我 離開你的我 不論過多久 還是會寂寞 (謝謝)
天空突然下起傾盆大雨 戀人在屋簷下相偎相依 移動我的腳步輕鬆躲雨 人潮擁擠握住濕熱的手心 再也不願想起不快樂的旋律 呼吸這一秒的空氣 還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 在我心裡翻來覆去 什麼叫做愛情 還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 在你心裡我也許只是你欣賞的風景 夜晚靜靜等著電話響起 時間躺在他去年寄來的信 空蕩的房間我播放著舞曲 旋轉這一秒的孤寂 還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 在你心裡我也許是你輕快的遊戲 還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 在你心裡我也許只是你緩慢的練習 音樂響起我一個人演出重複的舞曲
Well, I walked to the window just in time To see her tail lights fading in the snow It seems that all she left behind was a note That said, "Sorry, I must go" Did she really leave me here all alone This time of year? I'm gonna save an arm and a leg this Christmas I'm gonna have some money come New Year Bells are ringing, choirs are singing, and my pockets are jingling And my baby left me full of cheer Joy to the world my baby's gone My future's never looked so bright And truth be told I can't recall the last time I enjoyed a silent night Fire up the Yuletide log And pour me a bucket full of nog 'Cause I'm gonna save an arm and a leg this Christmas I'm gonna have some money come New Year Bells are ringing, choirs are singing, and my pockets are jingling And my baby left me full of cheer I just got a Christmas card (I just got a Christmas card) With a note from dear old mom (with a note from dear old mom) She said the family's all chipped in And paid for my account at Oh, I'm gonna save an arm and a leg this Christmas I'm gonna have some money come New Year Bells are ringing, choirs are singing, and my pockets are jingling And my baby left me full of cheer My baby left me full of cheer My baby left me full of cheer Hey
在九月 潮湿的车厢 你看着车窗 窗外它 水管在开花 椅子在异乡 树叶有翅膀 上海的街道 雪山在边上 你靠着车窗 我心脏一旁 我们去哪 呜 你看那 九点钟方向 日内瓦湖的房子 贵吗 世界上 七千个地方 我们定居哪 告诉我 答案是什么 你喜欢去哪 青海或三亚 冰岛或希腊 南美不去吗 沙漠你爱吗 我问太多了 知道吗 这里的雨季只有一两天 白昼很长 也很短 夜晚有三年 知道吗 今天的消息 说一号公路上 那座桥断了 我们还去吗 要不再说呢 会修一年吧 一年能等吗 你还去吗 呜 你喜欢吗 你喜欢吗
Lights, camera, chemical reaction Attracted to a body of lies with fat asses Thank the most high for the high of high fashion My art of war is killer couture, denim assassin Am I a douchebag or just another doo-rag? Tryna get ahead on some brand new-wave shit For your entertainment money is the language So every time I speak I'm tryna make another payment I do 'em dirty, sleep and get a dirt nap, that works Tell my P.O. ask me where I work at Think I woulda learned that sleeping in the bird trap Living on the run like somebody tryna burn fat I don't give a fuck, now maybe that's abstinence Or the arrogance of someone who ain't got shit That think money over bitches is a stock tip... I live in a trap where things go crack Wake up in the boxes with a box of Apple Jacks Everybody acts like God is all that But I got the feelin' he ain't never coming back So I got an angel that answer my prayer Floating on the cloud that I blow in the air Nobody wins but nobody cares They just want blood when the people cheer I'm down to 95 dollars, that's the extent of my riches Out of 99 problems, 98 of 'em is bitches Out here hollerin' what's ironic is I've honestly been tryna do what's right But some jawn legs in the air tonight, like Phil Collins I'm a sex-addicted introvert Sucker for a pencil skirt Looking for a shorty coming from work, that I can pervert On my existential grind doing consequential dirt Searchin' for physical pleasure if I don't go mental first Molly poppin', trolley hoppin' Know somebody prolly watchin' That ain't stoppin' me from coppin' a feel Karate choppin' in this after-hours spot Watching mommy body rockin' First I feed her vodka shots then she eat my Johnnie Cochran Livin' fast, drinkin' capt' One of them hoes even had The audacity ask me how long this thing would last I said, "You wanna pay for class? Get on that stage and shake your ass." She keep a dick in a box and in an emergency break the glass I make her laugh She makes it clap And then she gives me lap dances and I'm thankful that She keeps providing the place for me to be unfaithful at... I live in a trap where things go crack Wake up in the boxes with a box of Apple Jacks Everybody acts like God is all that But I got the feelin' he ain't never coming back So I got an angel that answer my prayer Floating on the cloud that I blow in the air Nobody wins but nobody cares They just want blood when the people cheer
Ayy, yo, Bandplay Uh, uh Uh (let the Band play), uh Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up Hold up, hold up, hold up (hold up) We was down for so long, didn't have no choice but to go up (go up) Pour up, pour up, pour up, pour up Pour up, pour up, pour up (pour up) Spendin' racks in Neimans on my girl, watchin' her glow up (woo) Rich nigga still in the neighborhood store eatin' cold cuts (yeah) Street nigga, bitch, I'm in the Bentley doin' donuts (yeah) Taught myself how to get millions, ain't nobody show us (it's Dolph) Front my young nigga 50 'bows told him, "Lil' nigga, grow up" (it's Dolph) Uncle Vic told me, "Stay down with this shit 'til it blow up" (I got you) Smokin' on some shit you not, got Wock-Wock in my soda (dirty) Used to sign for the packs now I sign T-shirts and posters (it's Dolph) Drop 500 racks to drop the top on that new Rolls truck (woo, uh) Balenciaga the drip (it's Dolph) First class, Dubai, take a trip (it's Dolph) Spend a little bit, stack all the chips (stack it up) I walk in Margiela and go crazy (woo) Can't get money with me, you too lazy (uh-uh) One thing I ain't never did was Never, ever, ever let a bitch play me (hell nah, sorry) I-I-I-I put it down in the city, now I'm up, nigga (hey) I used to eat a hundred P's just for lunch, nigga (woo) I got fuck niggas recruitin' other fuck niggas Hustle hard, ain't no such thing as luck, nigga Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up Hold up, hold up, hold up (hold up) We was down for so long, didn't have no choice but to go up (go up) Pour up, pour up, pour up, pour up Pour up, pour up, pour up (pour up) Spendin' racks in Neimans on my girl, watchin' her glow up (woo) Rich nigga still in the neighborhood store eatin' cold cuts (yeah) Street nigga, bitch, I'm in the Bentley doin' donuts (yeah) Taught myself how to get millions, ain't nobody show us (it's Dolph) Front my young nigga 50 'bows told him, "Lil' nigga, grow up" (it's Dolph) Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up Hold up, hold up, hold up (hold up) I just poured an eight of codeine in a Coca-Cola (raw) I make it look too easy, I carry my whole hood on my shoulders (damn) If money not in the equation, please do not approach us (swear to God) Cut my day-one nigga off because of jealousy (damn) Every day, I'ma get fresh and pour up medicine (dirty) Poured too much syrup by mistake because I'm heavy-handed Bitch, I'm the plug best friend, you just a middleman (ayy, fuck them niggas) I don't fuck with them niggas, I'm cut from a different cloth (yeah, yeah) Ask your CEO and your rap friends why they hate Dolph (ha) Rich nigga how I pop it on 'em (pop it) The top come off, so I dropped it on 'em Paid 30K over sticker price, I had to cop it on 'em (woo) Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up Hold up, hold up, hold up (hold up) We was down for so long, didn't have no choice but to go up (go up) Pour up, pour up, pour up, pour up Pour up, pour up, pour up (pour up) Spendin' racks in Neimans on my girl, watchin' her glow up (woo) Rich nigga still in the neighborhood store eatin' cold cuts (yeah) Street nigga, bitch, I'm in the Bentley doin' donuts (yeah) Taught myself how to get millions, ain't nobody show us (it's Dolph) Front my young nigga 50 'bows told him, "Lil' nigga, grow up" (it's Dolph) Yeah Ayy, I remember my mom and dad was livin' in a one-room shack Nowadays, I wake up in a mansion Huh I remember my mom and dad didn't even have a car I don't wanna get started to nowadays, man, huh Ayy, man, half of that shit out there in my driveway I can't even spell that shit, man On God Huh It's Dolph! (it's Dolph! It's Dolph!) (It's Dolph! It's Dolph! It's Dolph!) (It's Dolph! It's Dolph! It's Dolph!) (It's Dolph! It's Dolph! It's Dolph!) (Paper Route Business)
We're gonna get it Gonna get it Gonna get it, get it together and flower Fixing up a car to drive in it again Searching for the water, hoping for the rain Up and up Up and up Down upon the canvas, working meal to meal Waiting for a chance to pick your orange field Up and up Up and up See a pearl form, a diamond in the rough See a bird soaring high above the flood It's in your blood It's in your blood Underneath the storm an umbrella is saying Sitting with the poison takes away the pain Up and up Up and up We're gonna get it, get it together I know we're gonna get it, get it together somehow We're gonna get it, get it together and flower We're gonna get it, get it together I know, we're gonna get it, get it together and float We're gonna get it, get it together and go Up, and up, and up (Up, and up, and up) Up, and up, and up (Up, and up, and up) Up, and up, and up Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon Up and up Up and up How come people suffer? How come people part? How come people struggle? How come people break your heart? Break your heart? Yes I wanna grow, yes I want to feel Yes I wanna know, show me how to Heal it up Heal it up See the forest there in every seed Angels in the marble waiting to be freed Just need love Just need love When the going is rough, saying We're gonna get it, get it together I know we're gonna get it, get it together somehow We're gonna get it, get it together and flower We're gonna get it, get it together I know, we're gonna get it, get it together and float We're gonna get it, get it together and go Up, and up, and up (Up, and up, and up) Up, and up, and up (Up, and up, and up) Up, and up, and up (Up, and up, and up) Up, and up, and up (Up, and up, and up) Up, and up, and up We're gonna get it, get it together I know we're gonna get it, get it together somehow We're gonna get it, get it together and flower We're gonna get it, get it together I know, we're gonna get it, get it together and float We're gonna get it, get it together and go Up, and up, and up
I am old but I want to do it again. But like the end of a book when there are no pages left, You can only look back at the time that you spent, Not the life that you wanted but the life that you led. I've seen it all but I don't know what's next. Ours wasn't a love for an audience. The pictures we take don't resolve, they only reflect. Feeling like I've been here before. Stood on this stage, walked through that door. There are still so many things that I will never know, After the lights go up and the curtains close. I've seen it all but I don't know what's next. Ours wasn't a love for an audience. The pictures we take don't resolve, they only reflect. Courtesy of I'm still in love with you, after all this time. The best days of my life were when you were mine. They'll be the branches I always use to climb through my life. Sometimes life is so empty, sometimes life is so cold, I wanted to grow old with you but I put that on hold. I'll see you again when our story gets retold. And I've been here before, I've been here before. And I've been here before, I've been here before. Cast a seed to the sky as my valediction, That you could be the vine to grow a truth from the fiction. Empty the theatre, rush through the door, Start living the life you never could before. It's the morning again at the factory, Someone will meet me there and rip me out of my dream. Warm my blood before I say goodbye, A new sun in the sky and love will never die.
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