Amsterdam Ringtones

152 ringtones matching "Amsterdam". Here you can browse, listen and download Amsterdam Ringtones for free. Best Amsterdam Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Come on, oh, my star is fading And I swerve out of control If I, oh, if I'd only waited I'd not be stuck here in this hole Come here, oh, my star is fading And I swerve out of control And I swear I waited and waited I've got to get out of this hole But time is on your side, it's on your side now Not pushing you down and all around It's no cause for concern Come on, oh, my star is fading And I see no chance of release And I know I'm dead on the surface But I am screaming underneath And time is on your side, it's on your side now Not pushing you down and all around Oh, it's no cause for concern Stuck on the end of this ball and chain And I'm on my way back down again Stood on the edge, tied to a noose Sick to the stomach You can say what you mean, but it won't change a thing I'm sick of the secrets Stood on the edge, tied to a noose And you came along and you cut me loose You came along and you cut me loose You came along and you cut me loose
Dans le port d'Amsterdam, il y a des marins qui dansent En se frottant la panse sur la panse des femmes А travers ses yeux fermés, je vois les lumières de la ville Les yeux fermés Ô Amsterdam vous voyez Nous sommes vos enfants Ô Amsterdam vous voyez Alors, nous sommes vos enfants, brouillard putride, la mer natale Sommes vos enfants Je vais à la chambre rouge, je danse avec tout Je reçois la chambre rouge Dans le port d'Amsterdam il y a des marins qui dansent En se frottant la panse sur la panse des femmes Dans le port d'Amsterdam il y a des marins qui dansent En se frottant la panse sur la panse des femmes Alors, nous sommes vos enfants, brouillard putride, la mer natale Sommes vos enfants Mais je suis malade, ne me regarde pas С'est mon syndrome d'Amsterdam Oui, je suis malade un peu, ne me regarde pas Excusez-moi C'est mon syndrome Écoutez-moi Ah, c'est ça Oui, c'est ça Ton, ton, ton, ton-ton, ton-ton Ton, ton, ton, ton-ton, ton-ton Ton, ton, ton, ton-ton, ton-ton Ton, ton, ton, ton-ton, ton-ton
Et sted derude bag det åbne hav Summer det på en andet sprog Jeg kender det selvom jeg aldrig har været der før Et andet lys på en regnvåd gade En anden lyd af folk som er glade Jeg savner dem selvom jeg aldrig har mødt dem før Skåler de nu i amsterdam Tager de toget ind til hamborg Går de amok i london Danser de rundt nu i paris Kysser de i san fransisco Går de i seng i tokyo Et sted derude Drukner de Et sted derude Sultner de De savner os Et sted derude Et sted derop bag de tunge skyer Flyver de mod nye byer Jeg kender dem Selvom jeg aldrig har været der før En anden luft på en undergrund station En drengeflok der skal mødes med nogle Jeg savner dem selvom jeg aldrig har mødt dem før Skåler de nu i amsterdam Tager de toget ind til hamborg Går de amok i london Danser de rundt nu i paris Kysser de i san fransisco Går de i seng i tokyo Et sted derude Drukner de Et sted derude Sultner de De savner os Er sted derude Tror du de kommer nu Tror du de kommer nu Et sted derude Drukner de Et sted derude Sultner de De savner os Et sted derude
Scender le scale sfiorando il muro Non dare importanza a chi passa vicino Cercando qualcosa di indefinito La notte svanisce al piano di sopra Nella mia mente Ogni cosa sopravvive in silenzio Sento l'attrito Di grida esiliate dal mondo Come frammenti pulsanti di vita Voci alterate si sono dissolte Dove i miei occhi le hanno chiamate Dove i miei occhi le hanno chiamate Dove il giorno ferito impazziva di luce Dove il giorno ferito impazziva di luce
I'm sorry, mother I'm sorry, I let you down Well, these days I'm fine No, these days I tend to lie I'll take the Western train Just by the side of Amsterdam Just by my left brain Just by the side of the Tin Man I'm sorry, brother I'm sorry, I let you down Well, these days you're fine No, these days you tend to lie You'll take the Western train Just by the side of Amsterdam Just by your left brain Just by the side of the Tin Man Your time will come if you wait for it If you wait for it It's hard, believe me, I've tried But I keep coming up short I'm sorry, lover I'm sorry, I bring you down Well, these days I try And these days I tend to lie Kinda thought it was a mystery And then I thought I wasn't meant to be You said yourself fantastically "Congratulations, you were all alone" Your time will come if you wait for it If you wait for it It's hard, believe me, I've tried Your time will come if you wait for it If you wait for it It's hard, believe me, I've tried But the rain won't fall for the both of us The sun won't shine on the both of us Believe me when I say That I wouldn't have it any other way Your time will come if you wait for it If you wait for it It's hard, believe me, I've tried But I won't wait much longer 'Cause these walls, they're crashing down No, I won't wait much longer 'Cause these walls, they're crashing down And I keep coming up short


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