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Pain - Star Party

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30 Sec

Pain - song lyrics

Wherever love goes there is also misery
It's no mystery
And you and I, we got history, yeah

Wherever love flows there is also tragedy
When we're in too deep
And you and I, we got history, yeah

Go look in the mirror say
"Hey, I'm sorry for all the pain"
I'm sorry for all the pain
Go look in the mirror say
"Hey, I'm sorry for all the pain"
I'm sorry for all the pain
Go look in the mirror say
"Hey, I'm sorry for all the pain"
I'm sorry for all the pain

My love it grows, with the memories
Like a symphony
And you and I, we got history, yeah

And when you're alone
Do you say my name?
Or you say her name? Yeah

My love it grows, with the memories
Like a symphony
And you and I, we got history, yeah

Wherever love flows there is also tragedy
When we're in too deep
And you and I, we got history, yeah

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Set Pain ringtone on an Android Phone:

1. Select Download Ringtone button above.
2. Go to Settings app.
3. Select Sounds & Vibration.
4. Select Phone ringtone.
5. Select Ringtone from Internal Storage.
6. Click the Apply button.
So after only a few basic steps, you have successfully done the default ringtone on your phone running Android operating system with the pop songs you want.

Set Pain ringtone for your iPhone:

1. Select Download M4R for iPhone button above and save to your PC or Mac.
2. Connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac via its charging cable.
3. Launch iTunes and drag the .m4r to the Tones folder (Under "On My Device").
Hopefully, the guides for configuring ringtones for iPhones and Android phones will make it simple for you to replace the uninteresting default sounds on your phone with your own personal favorites.

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