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M - Penfold

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M - song lyrics

I've been thinking all day, sitting by this window,
Remembering how the smile on your face could make me blush
And i can't comprehend how someone with your eyes
Could ever dissapear and break your heart.
Fall, keep your eyes on something small.
Hold your head up high.
Angel, spread your wings and fly.
Fall, even if you can't let go.
If everything was perfect in my eyes - in my mind.
Too young to understand but old enough to know so many people love you
And hold you in their hearts and won't stop.
Remember tonight, it just might last you the rest of your life.
And all those time i said i love you, those weren't lies.
This will hurt you but in time, you will understand that i
Would never want to be in his shoes but i would do anything to take his place.

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Тэр өөрөө эхэлсэн өөрөө эхэлж энэ бүгдийг эхлүүлсэн Чихэнд минь аяархан дуугаар чи минийх гэж эрхлүүлсэн Ийм л хол явах гэж Түүний гар сунах гэж Хүрээгүй газар гэж үлдээгүй Хүргэх гэж гэж хэн ч хүчлээгүй Тэр миний бороонд нороод хатаж амжаагүй цув Бороо орж дуусахгүй бол байдал хэцүү Үсээр минь наадан тоглоно Надад таалагдана Юу ч нэхэхгүй ээ надаас Энэ бүгдийнхээ хариуд нь Мм мм мм мм Харамсалтай нь чи үүрд биш ээ Мянган зууны хайр ч бас биш Одоохондоо энэ нууц биш ээ Yeah Харин маргааш болоход хамаа чшш Над руу ширтэх харцыг нь нэг хараарай Мммм ная ная ная ная ная ная мм Хором бүхэн эргэж ирдэггүй тэ хамгийн гол нь бүх зүйлийг мартаад нэг хэсэгтээ жаргаж болно Үгүй ээ эр эм хос болдог энэхэн хорвоо дээр Илүү бүхэнд шунана гэдэг арай л дэндүү овоо тэ Хаанаасаа яахаараа өөр нэгнийг хайрлаж болоод байна Яг юунаас болоод зүрх сэтгэл нэгнээ голоод байна Царай зүс эсвэл нас хүйс би хэлж мэдэхгүй нь Ммм мм yeah Хайрыг хүндэлсэн хүн шал ондоо биз дээ Aye aye aye Хэн нэгнийг сэтгэлээсээ хайрлаад үз дээ Aye yeah on Одоо яая гэхэв дэндүү шуналтай юм байна Одоо яахав дээ би тэр шуналтай нь байна Дэндүү дээ даанч дэндүү Дэндүү бүр арай арай дэндүү Дүүрчихсэн хүмүүсийн дунд жаргах хэцүү Дэндүү бүр арай арай дэндүү Дүүрчихсэн жаргалаа хуваалцая тэгэх үү Дэндүү бүр арай арай дэндүү Дүүрчихсэн хүмүүсийн дунд жаргах хэцүү Дэндүү бүр арай арай дэндүү Дүүрчихсэн жаргалаа хуваалцая тэгэх үү Үүү үү үү үү ммм yeah Yeah yeah yeah mm Тэр бүр арай дэндүү Хээ хээ хээ хэ хэ ммм Чи бол бүүр дэндүү Арай арай дэндүү бүүр дэндүү Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh whoa на на на на
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear He could preach the bible like a preacher Full of ecstacy and fire But he also was the kind of teacher Women would desire RA RA RASPUTIN Lover of the Russian queen There was a cat that really was gone RA RA RASPUTIN Russia's greatest love machine It was a shame how he carried on He ruled the Russian land and never mind the Czar But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar In all affairs of state he was the man to please But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze For the queen he was no wheeler dealer Though she'd heard the things he'd done She believed he was a holy healer Who would heal her son RA RA RASPUTIN Lover of the Russian queen There was a cat that really was gone RA RA RASPUTIN Russia's greatest love machine It was a shame how he carried on But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger For power became known to more and more people, The demands to do something about this outrageous Man became louder and louder. "This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please" No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms Then one night some men of higher standing Set a trap, they're not to blame "Come to visit us" they kept demanding And he really came RA RA RASPUTIN Lover of the Russian queen They put some poison into his wine RA RA RASPUTIN Russia's greatest love machine He drank it all and he said "I feel fine" RA RA RASPUTIN Lover of the Russian queen They didn't quit, they wanted his head RA RA RASPUTIN Russia's greatest love machine And so they shot him till he was dead Oh, those Russians...

Set M ringtone on an Android Phone:

1. Select Download Ringtone button above.
2. Go to Settings app.
3. Select Sounds & Vibration.
4. Select Phone ringtone.
5. Select Ringtone from Internal Storage.
6. Click the Apply button.
So after only a few basic steps, you have successfully done the default ringtone on your phone running Android operating system with the pop songs you want.

Set M ringtone for your iPhone:

1. Select Download M4R for iPhone button above and save to your PC or Mac.
2. Connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac via its charging cable.
3. Launch iTunes and drag the .m4r to the Tones folder (Under "On My Device").
Hopefully, the guides for configuring ringtones for iPhones and Android phones will make it simple for you to replace the uninteresting default sounds on your phone with your own personal favorites.

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